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Upon Finding A Box Of Kittens Abandoned On A Trash Heap, He Gently Takes Them One By One In His Jaws And Carries Them Home!

Having been homeless once himself he couldn’t just leave them where he found them. So gently, this dog takes them in his jaws, one by one, carrying them home.

He was out doing his daily walkabout in his neighborhood near São Paulo’s Jardim Aeroporto (Garden Airport) in Brazil when he came across a box of kittens in a trash heap!

Having been a street dog for many years, before he himself was rescued, Banze (or “Scamp”) knew he couldn’t just leave them there.

Photo Courtesy of Ilse Simone Petersen Gotzo via Pawnation

So he carefully tore the box and apart, searched through the garbage, then one by one he took the tiny kittens in his jaws and carried them home.

Photo Courtesy of Ilse Simone Petersen Gotzo via Pawnation

He started caring for them as soon as they were safe, “you need a bath!”

Photo Courtesy of Ilse Simone Petersen Gotzo via Pawnation

It warms our hearts to see such affection and love he has to give to his new friends that now live with him, thank you Banze, our hero.

Photo Courtesy of Ilse Simone Petersen Gotzo via Pawnation

The dog named Banzé (or “Scamp”) is also a rescue from the streets. “So when he heard the plaintive mews of an abandoned litter of kittens, he didn’t hesitate to save them, as he had once been saved.”

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She immediately put her muzzle inside the box and pulled out a squirming kitten.

He finds her freezing in the snow, so he takes her to the warmest place he knows.

Little abandoned kittens rescued by a once-homeless dog, Banzé. But where is food?

Photo Courtesy of Ilse Simone Petersen Gotzo via Pawnation

He brought them home one by one from the trash heap and started caring for them.

The kittens settled right into their new home.

Photo Courtesy of Ilse Simone Petersen Gotzo via Pawnation

Snuggly time!


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