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Wearying Themselves From Their Continued Torment They Let Her Limp Away!

Abandoned by her family after they moved away, the neighbors stepped in to feed the friendly stray who quickly became a beloved community cat until one day she is attacked!

Meow Meow loved to be petted and cuddled by everyone she came across. “She would visit the neighbors to receive pets and was known for placing her paws on your chest and giving gentle head nudges if you were having a bad day/sad,” the Humane Society of Tampa Bay wrote on Facebook.

However, though Meow Meow clearly felt everyone worthy of her affections, two children thought she was not worthy of theirs. They thought it would be great fun to throw the cat into the air, held by her hind legs before slamming her into the ground. Thinking this was great fun they delighted in repeatedly torturing animals no less than several more times.


“Each time she hit the ground she was discombobulated, dizzy and unable to walk without falling,” outraged shelter staff recalled. “It was impossible for her to run away fast enough to escape.”

Wearying themselves of their newfound fun they left Meow Meow limped away, hiding under a trailer. Luckily another child had witnessed the cruelty and called his Mom.

“We received a call from a neighbor who just returned home from work after her son had called her to inform her what was happening,” shelter workers explained. “The young boy asked if he could please take the cat inside so that the two children were unable to torture her again. These kind folks kept the cat safe until we arrived.”


At the shelter, attempts were made to soothe Meow Meow who was crying in pain. X-rays revealed the cat had a broken femur. Sadly the bone was fractured beyond repair leaving the vet no choice but to amputate. Fortunately, the surgery went well, and after amputation, Meow Meow was on the mend.

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Heavily pregnant, she had nowhere to hide, time and time again they came back, bringing their dog!

He stands by and watches as his dog attacks a tiny kitten. Don’t forget Mama cat!

“Despite all that she has been through, Meow Meow is recovering VERY well!” shelter workers wrote on Facebook, alongside a video of the affectionate cat making muffins with her new shelter friends. “As you can see in the video below, she is kneading and enjoying all of the attention from our staff and volunteers,” they wrote.

Not only is Meow Meow on the road to recovery, the cat’s heartbreaking story also has a happy ending. After sufficiently recovering from her ordeal, Meow Meow was adopted by a woman determined to give this rescued cat a loving home.


After hearing Meow Meow’s sad story on the news, that woman, Emily, followed the wounded cat’s progress on Facebook.

She also checked the shelter’s website each night, eager to see if the cat was ready for adoption. When that day arrived, Emily was one of the first people in line to meet Meow Meow. According to shelter workers, their connection was instant.

“It was love at first sight!” shelter workers rejoiced, recalling how the cat began purring as soon as Emily touched her. “Meow Meow even hopped right into her carrier and was patiently waiting for her adoption to be finished so that she could go home! Emily is over the moon excited to take her home and give her the wonderful life that she deserves!”


The shelter has also reported Meow Meow’s abusers and their parents to Hillsborough County Animal Services, but there’s no word on the status of this investigation. “We hope that this will result in the parents teaching compassion and empathy towards animals,” Humane Society of Tampa Bay wrote on Facebook. Fingers crossed.

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At The End Of His Limits, He Walked Up To Her Door And Begged To Be Let In From The Cold!

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