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The Odds Stacked Against Him, A Micro-Kitten Fights For The Right To Survive And Hopefully Grow To Be A Mini-Cat!

As a Foster Mom, it is not unusual to get a call asking if you can take a three-week-old kitten. But what she couldn’t believe was how tiny this one was.

One day Ellen, a foster Mom for kittens, took a from a shelter asking if she could foster a three-week-old kitten who was not gaining any weight. He was in a similar situation weight-wise, to this kitten who was due to be put down.

At three weeks old he was smaller than a newborn kitten!

The shelter was not sure what to do with him and thought Ellen may have more success.

Once Ellen saw this tiny kittens photo she fell in love and said yes right away.

You see Ellen has a bit of a reputation as a foster Mom who has a lot of success dealing with kittens that have more complicated issues.

Related Reading:

Scrawny, clearly unwell, she sits motionless on the sidewalk as everyone walks by.

Found on the streets, she was so tiny there was nothing to her. The truth was she was made mostly of fluff!

When she met her new arrival she could see that she would have to draw on all of those years of experience!

He was so tiny!

To find out what happens next please click 2 below!


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