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Desperate, In Danger Of Drowning, Unable To Get Out She Cries For Help!

He decides he will have to jump in to save the cat and that is exactly what he does.

Het goes bravely in the water, swims underneath the cat, then lifts it up on his back. The terrified cat plays along and is finally on dry land. But, the dog is now obviously tired trying to get out. He fails repeatedly, but he eventually pulls himself out of the water.

They both run to safety in the end. The video, which went viral pretty quickly, received a lot of negative feedback but not about the dog’s heroic act, of course. Everyone wonders why the woman behind the camera hasn’t done anything to help.

As it seems, dogs are smarter and better than us. Instead of helping the cat survive, she took out her phone and filmed. It’s a damn shame for the woman and a thumbs up for the dog.

You can watch the full video of this brave video here:

For more details please go to

Behaving Strangely The Stray Cat Seemed To Want Them To Follow Her? After Doing So They Soon Hear A Strange And Desperate Sound.

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