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Just Skin And Bone, He Was Eating Moldy Food Just To Survive!

Looking on in shock she sees him scamper across a busy road just escaping with his life!

In February this year Ladonna Denman, Arkansas, is out one day when she is shocked to see a tiny kitten scampering across a very busy road, luckily escaping with his life.

She decides to take a closer look, only to find the kitten was starving, fighting a losing battle to survive in the parking lot of a rental car company. Skin and bone he was chowing down on a bowl of moldy scraps someone had left out for him.

Photo Courtesy of Brittany

Someone at least was feeding him, covered in dirt and grease he was ferociously eating his aging meal. If he didn’t starve to death Ladonna knew it was only a matter of time until he was struck by a car.

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He is surprised to see her attempt to cross a busy two-lane road to where he is fishing!

After Mom’s accident, fearful of strangers they all ran and hid in a woodpile, refusing to come out.

Ladonna also knew Arkansas was about to be hit by one of the worst storms in the state’s history. If something wasn’t done for this little guy would have to try and survive freezing temperatures along with what he was already trying to deal with. She knew she had to do something right now before it was too late!

Photo Courtesy of Brittany

Purchasing a can of cat food Ladonna artfully created a trail of cat food that led Rodney right into her arms.

Once he was close enough she scooped him up in a towel and he found himself on his first-ever car ride.

Photo Courtesy of Brittany

Once he was in her home Ladonna found his condition was way worse than she had initially thought, he needed medical attention right away!

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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