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Her Heart Broke When She Saw It Huddled In A Corner, Shivering Uncontrollably, Just Trying To Stay Warm!

She didn’t even know it was a cat at first! The sight of this suffering animal broke her heart!

After arriving at work, Cynthia saw a cat sat huddled in the corner of a building on the street outside her work in downtown Los Angeles.

She didn’t even know it was a cat at first glance until she took a second look. Usually, she parks inside, so it was complete luck she had parked outside that day and seen her! “Everything was lucky (or fate!),” Cynthia said via Reddit.

“When I saw her, she was not moving at all – just huddled in the corner of the building in this pitiful shivering lump. Broke my heart. She looked so alone and afraid.

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Weak from hunger, when he sees them he tries to pull himself free from the frozen mud!

They were found on the back of a pick-up truck in the freezing rain.

“ I had no idea if she was hurt or had anything broken, so I picked her up rather gingerly, and she just snuggled into my neck.

Cynthia did a quick check to make sure that there were no major injuries.

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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