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After Hearing Desperate Cries For Help, She Finds A Garbage Bag Moving On The Side Of The Road!

After hearing their cries for help she couldn’t believe her eyes when she found three kittens in a garbage bag on the side of the road!

They were in really bad shape, covered in filth she had followed their meows for help. Immediately after her sad discovery, she rushed them to the Humane Society in Whitely County, Indiana. Unfortunately for one of the kittens, her efforts came a little too late and he lost his fight to survive.

Courtesy of Instagram/Barb @kitten_faces

For the other two kittens, the fight for life continued. Practically skin and bone none of the staff thought they would survive. The had ammonia burns on parts of their tiny bodies from lying in their own waste. Both had also practically lost their voices from constant meowing.

They were given the names Wally and Eve, right away it was clear who was in better shape. Staff at the shelter could see Eve doing what she could to support her brother and keep him going.

Courtesy of Instagram/Barb @kitten_faces

Staff did what they could too, trying to aid the kittens as best they could. The most important thing was getting fluids and medication into their little bodies. Then Barb, a volunteer began feeding them every few hours.

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Hearing what sounded like an animal crying she saw a bag moving in the middle of a swamp!

Walking along the beach she heard a strange sound a saw a couple holding a squirming bag under the water!

“Wally has what I call the triangle face of a critical kitten. Sunken in eyes, poor muscle tone, and you can feel every bone in his body. He has had subcutaneous fluids, Nutrical, and is about to get the feeding tube”

Courtesy of Instagram/Barb @kitten_faces

Eve was the stronger of the two little fighters and she was Wally’s biggest supporter. He snuggled into her and she never left his side. She did her best trying to keep him going!

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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