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Just When She Needed Love The Most She Is Treated Like a Worthless Plaything!

We are not sure who hurt Monkey so badly, but the evidence seems to point very much to her previous owners.

Born in a remote area she was purposely stolen from her Mom when only days old. The stage in her life when she needed her Mom the most.

Scared, shaken, and very distressed you would think she would have been shown some kindness, this was not the case. Her most basic needs were ignored, she was treated like a worthless plaything. Trying to survive in an abusive household.

I find hard to believe people treat innocent animals in such a heartless cruel manner. Especially when every pet owner I know treat their pets with the utmost love and respect. However, the hard to hear and understand fact is that these people are out there.

In Monkey’s case, she had endured far more cruel treatment than any living thing should have to in such a short life. Beaten to the point where she suffered a severe injury and couldn’t move her rear leg, she was almost paralyzed.

She spent her first week of life in the grip of people who did not care, thrown around, constantly living in fear. Shaking in fear, this fragile young kitten’s life was destined for a very sad end.

Related Reading:

A paralyzed kitten is given the chance to run again!

Paralyzed and near-death she only wants to protect her kittens!

But the most important thing to remember in this so far sad story is that someone heard about Monkey’s case and actually decided to do something about it.

They contacted her abusers and made it clear in no uncertain terms that they wanted to adopt her. The first step had been taken, the question now was could they take her?

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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