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Following The Kittens Cries for Help, He Meowed Right Back!

He was on a work break when he heard a kitten meowing near the dumpster. He called ‘here kitty’ and meowed right back.

He followed the kitten’s cries and saw a tiny black kitten sniffing around the dumpster and again meowed right back.

Justin LaRose from Long Beach, California knew he couldn’t just leave this tiny black kitten where he was, and besides, he’d fallen in love with the ball of fluff.

Photo Courtesy of Justin LaRose

He let the kitten give him a cursory investigation which consisted of the kitten sniffing his hand. Giving his seal of approval the kitten then turned on his purr engine and settled into Justin’s lap for some cuddles.

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He didn’t have a chip on his shoulder, he had a white streak.

After running across the road she crawled up onto her shoulders and refused to let go.

Justin’s first concern was this kitten may belong to someone? So he scooped him up and asked around.

Photo Courtesy of Justin LaRose

No one came to claim him. “So I decided to adopt him,” Justin said.

Justin took the tiny but cute little lifeform into his workshop and the kitten proceeded to follow him wherever he went, determined to sit on his shoulder. Needless to say, Justin did not get a lot of work done that particular day!

Photo Courtesy of Justin LaRose

Grizzly had decided fairly quickly he was going to be Justin’s workshop assistant.

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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