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Under A Car He Found A Soaking Wet Kitten! The Shelter Told Him To Take The Kitten Right Back Where He Found Him!

He was returning a rental cat to a lot when he heard a desperate meow coming from a nearby car!

Belisha was in the act of returning a rental car in Decatur, Georgia when from under a nearby car, he hears a desperate meow. Looking first left and then right he couldn’t see anything? Then under the car next to him, he found a soaking wet kitten.

Rescuing a kitten had not been on Belisha’s to-do list for that day, but nonetheless, he beckoned at the tiny grey to come and pay a visit. To his surprise that is exactly what the little kitten did, showing no hesitation whatsoever. Belisha knew he couldn’t just leave the kitten there.

“It’s moments like this that I tell myself, ‘This must be happening for a reason,’” Belisha said. “And if I were a homeless kitten I would want someone to help me.”

Photo Courtesy of Jason Belisha

Belisha approached the rental car agent explaining there had been a change of plans as he would have to take the kitten to a shelter. Luckily the agent was more than happy to oblige, and so a journey to the nearest shelter began.

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Starving and alone she hid herself and her kittens in the corner of a Walmart parking lot!

One cold evening she walked right up to him and adopted him!

However, the response he got from the shelter was not the response he was expecting. He was told that since the kitten was older than 3 months he would be put right back where he was found!

Photo Courtesy of Jason Belisha

The explanation being, that the tiny feline was probably old enough to survive on his own.

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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