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His Paws Deformed, His Eyes Sealed Shut, An Orphaned Kitten Struggles Into Her Yard Looking For Help!

Born with deformed paws, which meant he could not walk properly. Imagine a stray kitten trying to survive with his eyes sealed shut too.

Life had not been kind to Scooter in his short life, the ligaments on all his front paws and shortened and tightened which meant he could not walk properly. To make matters worse an eye infection had sealed his eyes shut.

Survival for Scooter was almost impossible. However, he was nothing if not a fighter, having managed to survive for at least several weeks. He seemed to know now was the time to ask for help.

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Scooter then managed to find his way into a woman’s yard, barely able to walk he caught her attention. Her heart sank when she saw him, she immediately took him inside to check him over.

That’s when she realized not only did he have problems with his paws, he was also almost blind due to the infection, so it was off to the vet right away.

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X-rays and blood work were done as Scooter was thoroughly examined by the clinic’s staff.

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Despite the extreme pain, he must have been in, the first thing he did when she picked him up, was purr.

He was rejected by everyone because of his deformed front legs.

Completely relaxed throughout the inspection, he played with the staff and toys they provided, endearing himself to everyone.

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Apart from the issues he already had, it was found that he also suffered from a severe upper respiratory infection. If Scooter was going to survive this would need to be treated right away.

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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