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Knowing All She Wanted Was Love And Attention Made Leaving Her Behind That Much Harder!

When they reached the border they realized that they had over thought the situation.

Millie was in their hearts and they should never have left her behind.

So they turned back and made the five-hour journey to where they had left Millie. And sure enough, when they arrived Millie approached them and jumped right back into the van.

They knew they had done the right thing, after all, it was Millie that chose them!

Millie has adjusted well to life on the road and now the three of them have fabulous adventures together.

Just as she did before, Millie goes wherever they go, but now they go as an international family.

They now have the purrfect traveling companion, on and off the road.

You can watch this incredible story in the video below:

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In Freezing Conditions, She Finds Them Almost Motionless, Barely Moving, Scooping Them Up And Taking Them Home For Food, And Much Needed Warmth!

Please SHARE this amazing story with all your cat-loving friends and family.


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