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Found Starving And Dehydrated, She Is Told Not To Bother, After All, “He Is Completely Unadoptable!”

Found on the streets, starving, dehydrated, and extremely sick, he was taken to a public kill shelter to live out his remaining days, it was kitten cat death row.

A tiny kitten was found on the streets in South Korea, with at least several health conditions. If that wasn’t enough, he was completely starved, and dehydrated, along with an upper respiratory infection.

Photo Courtesy of Facebook/jonsnowrescuekitty

They thought he wouldn’t make it, so he was taken to a public kill shelter, and put in a wire cage with food and water. They also gave him a blanket to live out the remainder of his life till that fateful last day.

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Her humans aren’t doing a good enough job, so she decides adoption is the only option.

Not one but two lives would soon be changed as a terrified kitten soon finds herself riding as the offers cutest sidekick ever!

Just when all hope was lost a woman named Rachel Brown asked about the completely white, rather sick-looking kitten that might be up for adoption.

Photo Courtesy of Facebook/jonsnowrescuekitty

She had been searching for weeks for just the right cat to welcome into her home.

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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