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A Cat With Her Head In A Grate? How She Ended Up Like This We Don’t Know?

It certainly is not your normal cat rescue that is for sure.

“When the owner arrived we had him get some dish soap from his house and we applied it around the cat’s neck.” the department wrote.

Picture Courtesy of Winchendon Fire Department

After a few minutes of gentle persuasion, she was free! Normally firefighters would have brought in industrial cutting equipment of some sort.

But due to the thickness of the grate, it probably would never have worked. Due to extreme heat, and or potentially flying sparks they would have been putting the kitten at risk of injury.

Picture Courtesy of Winchendon Fire Department

It was clear that attempting to cut the grate would have been extremely dangerous for the kitten.

To avoid the risks, the firefighters hit upon a simple idea that has been used for centuries to remove rings that get stuck on fingers.

Picture Courtesy of Winchendon Fire Department

“We applied it around the cat’s neck, we slowly worked his head back into the great and within a couple of minutes we freed the cat.”

After the rescue, the cat was immediately reunited with her owner, who thanked the firefighters for their efforts. The department described it as a “feel-good animal story” and praised the “strong work” of its crew, reported the Huffington Post.

Picture Courtesy of Winchendon Fire Department

For more details please go to and you can find the original story here at

This dog lets one slip in his sleep, but its the cat’s reaction you have to watch out for.

Please SHARE this heartwarming story with all your cat-loving friends and family.

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