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After Four Premature Births, She Finds An Abandoned Kitten On Her Doorstep!

They had tried to conceive for such a long time, however, after four premature births, it was just about time to give up.

This was by no means an easy decision for Roy and Bernita Rogers to make, but Bernita was beginning to feel it was impossible for her to have the gift of a baby.

After the third premature birth, the couple found a tiny kitten sitting there on the doorstep. They took the abandoned feline indoors and gave him a bath as well as a welcome meal.

Not sure if they were going to keep him or not, they both decided to sleep on it. Upon waking the next day they decided to keep him, giving him the name Midnight.

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Just as a baby is about to fall down a flight of stairs the family cat rushes to save her.

She saw her baby sitting on the side of the road in a bowl of milk.

Right from the outset he only wanted to cuddle with his new parents.

Source: YouTube

Though a black cat, Midnight was to bring only good luck to this couple.

As a matter of fact, he brought a whole lot of good luck. Bernita finally delivered a healthy baby girl, calling her Stacey. She wholeheartedly believes it was a miracle. Midnight was in love with the new family member, keeping company with the newborn whenever he could.

Source: YouTube

After six weeks, however, Stacey came down with something. Bernita took her baby daughter to a doctor who said it was nothing more than a cold. Bernita took Stacey home and put her down for a nap. She couldn’t have imagined what would follow.

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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