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Due To Her Missing Cats Rather Unique Personality, She Made Some Signs, Some Very Honest Signs!

Babou it would seen has a rather complex personality.

Like other cats, Babou loves to cuddle with Mary, but only for all of 2.5 seconds, before acting out in a strong-willed independent manner. Yet when it comes to the vet, and for that matter everyone else she meets she is as sweet as pie.

Babou the cat (mary Irwin)

Also, Babou knows she is supposed to be a good cat, but likes to see if she can get away with things too.

“She knows how she is supposed to behave but she likes to see what she can get away with. She has a scratching post but if she’s mad at us, she’ll wait until we’re looking at her, then she’ll walk over to the couch and stick out one paw and run it slowly down the side of the couch. Like a teenager,”

Regardless of Babou’s occasional but obvious sassy demeanor, Irwin adores her feline, quirks and all, and was actually worried sick about her during the days she was missing.

Babou the cat (mary Irwin)

Thankfully, the cat — in Babou’s usual fashion — returned of her own accord.

“I had just gotten off the phone with a Canadian radio show talking about her and was talking to a friend on the other line — heard a scream from the other room and then my husband saying “WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN???” Irwin stated to PEOPLE in an email. “And lo and behold, there she was, walking through the front door 5 days after going missing, totally soaked and a few pounds thinner but safe.”

Irwin is very relieved and ecstatic to have Babou back-scratching her sofa. Perhaps this experience will make her less of a jerk, but more than likely – not!

For more details please go to

Abandoned, Sitting On A Tree Stump In The Middle Of Nowhere, All She Can Do Is Cry For Help!

Please SHARE this very honest story with all your cat-loving friends and family!


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