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Big As Well As Majestic, He Is Also Adorable. What Else Could He Be? After All, He Is A Maine Coon!

He is huge. of that is in no doubt! But its how huge he is that is almost unbelievable? However, along with his unbelievable size, he’s unbelievably cute too.

His name is Lotus, and knowing Maine Coon’s, his owner probably has the biggest cuddle bunny ever. Known for their huge size they are also known as being very affectionate along with having more of a love of water than other domestic cats. After all, he is a Maine Coon.

Also, highly intelligent and good-natured they like to be around people without being too needy. Not known as being a lap cat they do love cuddles and love kittenish play well into their adulthood.

Males can sometimes exhibit quite silly behavior when playing, making them highly entertaining.

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When they first got him, they had no way of knowing how big he would actually get!?

Whereas females tend to be somewhat more dignified and refined.

The Maine Coon cat is one of the largest domesticated breeds of cat. They are absolutely stunning creatures, not just because they’re massive, but because they’re gorgeous as well!

Lotus’s Mom created an Instagram account that features her special cat, and it’s absolutely chock-full of fantastic photos.

He really is half a lion, and half a cat, his huge mane, fluffy paws, cotton candy-esque tail, and lynx-like ears.

You can find his page here, Lotus The Maine Coon.

He is a Maine Coon Cat, a breed famous for its vast size and full personality.

If you would like to see more of Lotus you can find an update on him here with lots more pics – He Is Big, He Is Majestic, He Is Also Adorable. His Name Is Lotus.

If you love Maine Coons here’s 25 Maine Coon Kittens “That Are Giants In The Making.”

For more details please go to and

23 Magnificent Main Coon cats that will make your cat look tiny in comparison.

If you enjoyed these photos please SHARE them with all of your cat-loving friends and family so that they can enjoy them too.



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