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When She Got Her Cat In 1988, One Thing She Never Expected Was To Be Doing This 30 Years Later!

30 years ago, Michele Foster brought home a cat and named him Rubble. That was in 1988, little did she know what she would be doing in 2019?

Rubble and Michele live in Exeter, England, where Rubble has very definitely burned through all of his nine lives and then some. Now one of the world’s oldest cats he carries his age very well with a very definite spring in his step.

Rubble gets treated like a king because of the great care Michele gives him, though one thing that does go with old age for some people is grumpiness.

That’s something the Rubble does have in spades. Michele does not seem to think that Rubble will ever end up in the Guinness Book of Records simply because Rubble does not like having people around.

The oldest cat in the world was a cat called Creme Puff, who made to 38 years of age, all told. Still, though, Michelle is proud of Rubble for making it to 30 and remembers fondly back to 1988 when Rubble entered her life.

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Covered in countless scars, a once feral cat spends his final moments cuddling the kittens he loves.

He refused to let it go, it was the only link he had to his past life.

She was single and a little lonely at the time and made the decision to get a kitten from the littler of a friend of her sisters.

Since then they have never looked back.

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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