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She Seems to Know Exactly What Her Cat Needs As She Holds Her Close And Begins To Sing

Many people tend to underestimate the importance of their animal friends. The impact they of on our lives, until they are dying, or until they are no longer with us.

Our pets, really are our animal friends, they are amongst the most meaningful people in our lives. Stealing our hearts they become some of the best friends we will ever have. Many people seem to forget this until our feline friends prepare to make their final journey.

It is, however, a sad reality, that just like our human friends and family, they will one day leave us. And because most of them don’t live as long as we do, their departure will come much sooner.

Screenshot via YouTube/They Are My Sunshine

For children, this for many of them is their first big loss. Losing a loved one for the very first time. And for Abby, who is only four years old, it means losing her beloved cat, Bailey. Who has been a part of Abby’s family even before she was born, 14 years in fact.

Related Reading:

The heartbreaking moment he refuses to leave his fallen friend behind.

It was her dying wish to see him one last time.

You will need to have a box of tissues nearby for this as Abby seems to know just what Baily needs. And that’s love, lots of it too. She starts to sing “You Are My Sunshine” in the heartwarming and equally heartbreaking last moments of Baily’s life.

Screenshot via YouTube/They Are My Sunshine

Letting her know how much she meant to her as she prepares to make his final journey crossing the rainbow bridge.

To find out what happens next click 2 below!


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