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24 Photos Of Majestic Balls Of Mega-Fluff Floofing About In The Snow!

Riikka has even published books about Sämpy.

There are a total of two books about Sämpy. The first one was published in 2016 and is called ‘Kissan vuosi’ (‘Cat Year’).

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

“Then the publisher contacted me and asked for a photo book about Sämpy and of course I agreed.” The new book came out just last week. Sämpy and Riikka have together also published calendars for three years.

“It’s not that easy to pick pictures for a book, but luckily there are professionals at the publishing house. I also wrote some text, but the books are mostly picture books. In the captions, I use the local dialect, which has also been a much lauded. I do not have any specific plans for the future, but proposals are certainly welcome. If anyone wants to make Sämpy a character in an animated movie, a wallpaper, or a key chain, it is all fine, as long the cat doesn’t have to leave his home himself. Sämpy hates travelling,” Riikka pointed out.

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

…awww so poofy I want it.

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

Can someone shut that stupid dog up? It’s howling at the moon again!

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

You cannot escape me!

Sämpy & Co. have captured the hearts of many internet users, most of them in Finland, but plenty of them spread all around the world as well. The cat has over 104,000 followers on Instagram and another 43,000 fans on Facebook. They’re all waiting for the newest photos featuring Sämpy, as well as his friends Hiskias, Elmeri, and Nelli. The latter is didn’t play much with the other cats and she also hated the cold weather, which is somewhat ironic because she lived in Northern Finland.

In a previous interview with a Finnish blogger, more was revealed about Sämpy. According to the journalist, Sämpy answered the questions itself. “I live in the north of Oulu, in the village of Kalime,” the cat told the Finnish blogger.

“My favorite hobby is hunting. I hunt mice and moles. I’d also like to catch birds, but they are too fast. I also like meeting with my Secretary of Forest Trips and playing with my cat friend Elmeri,” Sämpy the floofy and chonky cat explained. “Every day, I eat dry food and wet food; meat and salmon every now and then. Best of all is butter, that’s my biggest delicacy. Sometimes, I get a small dollop of butter. Aaaaah. And yes, I hear when the butter box is being opened.”

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

Good friends.

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

I’m so proud of my tail!

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

Is that my foot?

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

Been out in the snow? Who? Me? Nope, can’t stand the stuff!

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

Are you looking at me, mortal?

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

Out for a stroll.

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

A leap of faith!

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

The three billy cats gruff.

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

Follow the leader.

Photo Courtesy of sampycat

You shall not pass!

For more details please go to

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